

Hello! I'm Beth, a twenty year old Welsh History student with a love of dressmaking.

Like many in recent years, my dressmaking journey began when my imagination was fired by the first series of The Great British Sewing Bee. The fabrics! The patterns! I could make anything!

In December 2013, my first handmade dress was completed and, as you can probably tell, I've never looked back. I'm a completely self taught home-sewer, but in just a short space of time I've managed to fill my wardrobe with enough self-sewn garments to dress handmade nearly everyday.

In May 2014, I took a chance and created my blog, Sewing Soothes the Soul, as a way to keep a record of my sewing progress and to connect with other likeminded crafty people. It was a worthwhile decision! Through my little corner of the web, I've met (virtually and in reality!) some amazing people, who have encouraged me to keep sewing and learning.

Currently, I'm the Publicity Officer for the Bangor University Craft and Sewing Society; through my role on the committee, I have been able to raise interest in our group and encourage others to take up dressmaking too! Being able to share how fulfilling and exciting making, rather than buying, your own clothes is has been a fantastic experience for me.

Aside from sewing, I also love reading (particularly historical fiction), knitting, hanging out with my boyfriend, gardening, drinking down at the pub with my friends and binge-watching TV series on Netflix like the typical student I am.

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