Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Forties Weekend

Hey guys! How are you all?

Things have been a little quiet on the sewing front here recently. I've been battling with a particularly difficult essay over the last couple of weeks, but mercifully I got it finished off yesterday in time for the deadline, which is tomorrow. Now that's over and done with, hopefully I should be able to get back into sewing again soon!

In the meantime, I have some exciting news to share with you - I'm going to a Forties Weekend! It's taking place at the East Lancashire Railway (a preserved line) near Manchester from 23rd-25th May, and is based all around the fashions, music, food and transport of the decade, with a particular focus on the Second World War. You can read more information here.

I'll be attending the event on the Sunday (the 24th) and have already begun to plan my outfit. You have to go to a Forties Weekend in the correct attire, right?! I am definitely going to be stitching up this gorgeous vintage pattern that I ordered a few months ago from a shop on Etsy:

I absolutely adore the bow blouse version in the bottom right, but I am struggling to envision what fabric it should be sewn in. Something nice and lightweight so the bow isn't stiff, but beyond that I have no idea - colour? design? Then there's the question of what to wear it with. Should I make a simple calf-length skirt, or hunt around online for a forties trouser pattern? Suggestions please!

On top of that, I've not even begun to think about my hair yet. It's not exactly vintage in appearance, but I am awful at styling it. If anyone has any ideas for easy ways to get my curly hair into a suitably forties-looking style, I would be so grateful if you could leave a comment below!

It should be a really good day out, I'm so looking forward to it!

Have a good week everybody,

Beth x

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Me-Made-May 2015

Hey guys!

May is nearly upon us again and that means only one thing: Me-Made-May! If you have been living under a rock for the past few years and have never heard of M-M-May, it is the brilliant invention of Zoe from So Zo... and you can read all about it here.

I took part in M-M-May last year where I pledged to wear an item of self stitched clothing once every two days. At the time, I'd only been sewing for about five months so I was really pleased with myself when I managed to complete the challenge. This year though, I have a far bigger range of self stitched clothing in my wardrobe, so I've modified my pledge to reflect this. Here goes!

I, Beth Holmes of www.sewingsoothesthesoul.blogspot.co.uk sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I endeavour to wear at least one self-stitched or refashioned garment or accessory each day for the duration of May 2015.

With just over a week to go until the start of the challenge, I'm digging out all my older makes from the depths of my wardrobe to see if I can fit them in throughout the month. M-M-May is all about showing love for our handmade garments and I know that there are many old makes of mine that are more than a little neglected. I've also featured refashioned items in my pledge because I've recently had a bit of refashioning spree, turning old dresses that are now way too short for me into summer tops, which I want to try out and give a chance to make it into my regular wardrobe rotation. Finally, accessories! With no chance to sew up a pair of trousers before the challenge begins (Zoe makes it clear panic sewing is not condoned!) and very few self stitched tops, I know there are going to be times this coming month where I'll feel like wearing a very ready-to-wear outfit. So, I've featured handmade accessories into my pledge so that on days I'm wearing shop bought clothes I'm still channelling the M-M-May vibe.

So, with May fast approaching keep your eye out for my documentation posts where you can get a glimpse of how I fit my self stitched clothing into my regular everyday wardrobe. If you feel like taking part too, hop on over to So Zo... and get yourself signed up as a participant! You can choose a pledge that suits your own needs and it is so much fun, bringing a real sense of achievement and love of our handmade clothing.

Have a great week everybody,

Beth x

Saturday, 18 April 2015

My First Blog-iversary!

Happy Saturday everybody! Today is an exciting day for me - Sewing Soothes the Soul turns one!

A year ago today, inspired by the likes of Tilly and the Buttons, Kitchen Table Sewing, So Zo... and Tea for Two, I took the plunge and started writing my very own sewing blog! Looking back, the blog has been a great way to track my progress in this crafty little world of ours, and I love being able to read through old posts and see how far I've come. 

When I first set up Sewing Soothes the Soul, I only had four months sewing experience in me and was a total newbie really. My first post features pictures of everything I'd made up to that point, and comparing those to pictures from the last few months it's clear to see how much I've improved as a sewer! The vast majority of those early makes never get worn anymore (and luckily my self-photography skills have improved dramatically during the past year as well!), but without each and every one of them I would never have reached the level I'm at today.

I've still got a long way to go in improving my skills, but what I love about my sewing is that you can always keep learning and developing. There are new patterns constantly being released, and new things to try as our style choices change through life as well. Recently I've undergone a bit of a wardrobe shift, from my usual girly dresses to a more casual zip up hoodie, top and jeans. However, I'm excited about this! I can't wait to get stuck into sewing my first ever trouser pattern. I also know that my tastes will inevitably tire of trousers at some point in the future and change back to dresses, so I know the effort I put into my handmade wardrobe so far hasn't been wasted. I've always been a bit of a 'one or the other' type girl - stages of being girly and stages of living in jeans, but for some reason never a happy medium! 

So, whether you've been following my progress from the start, stumbled across my ramblings somewhere during the past year or if this is your first ever visit to my little corner of tinterweb - a heartfelt thank you to you all, and here's to the next year! 

Happy birthday Sewing Soothes the Soul. 

Beth x