Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Me-Made-May 2015

Hey guys!

May is nearly upon us again and that means only one thing: Me-Made-May! If you have been living under a rock for the past few years and have never heard of M-M-May, it is the brilliant invention of Zoe from So Zo... and you can read all about it here.

I took part in M-M-May last year where I pledged to wear an item of self stitched clothing once every two days. At the time, I'd only been sewing for about five months so I was really pleased with myself when I managed to complete the challenge. This year though, I have a far bigger range of self stitched clothing in my wardrobe, so I've modified my pledge to reflect this. Here goes!

I, Beth Holmes of www.sewingsoothesthesoul.blogspot.co.uk sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I endeavour to wear at least one self-stitched or refashioned garment or accessory each day for the duration of May 2015.

With just over a week to go until the start of the challenge, I'm digging out all my older makes from the depths of my wardrobe to see if I can fit them in throughout the month. M-M-May is all about showing love for our handmade garments and I know that there are many old makes of mine that are more than a little neglected. I've also featured refashioned items in my pledge because I've recently had a bit of refashioning spree, turning old dresses that are now way too short for me into summer tops, which I want to try out and give a chance to make it into my regular wardrobe rotation. Finally, accessories! With no chance to sew up a pair of trousers before the challenge begins (Zoe makes it clear panic sewing is not condoned!) and very few self stitched tops, I know there are going to be times this coming month where I'll feel like wearing a very ready-to-wear outfit. So, I've featured handmade accessories into my pledge so that on days I'm wearing shop bought clothes I'm still channelling the M-M-May vibe.

So, with May fast approaching keep your eye out for my documentation posts where you can get a glimpse of how I fit my self stitched clothing into my regular everyday wardrobe. If you feel like taking part too, hop on over to So Zo... and get yourself signed up as a participant! You can choose a pledge that suits your own needs and it is so much fun, bringing a real sense of achievement and love of our handmade clothing.

Have a great week everybody,

Beth x

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