This week my mind has turned to the lack of sewing output I've had recently, and how that ties into an absolutely brilliant opportunity I've recently been given.
This coming summer - June, July and August - I'll be working as a waitress in one of the most beautiful hotels on the Isles of Scilly. 28 miles off the coast of Cornwall, the islands have a gorgeous, sunny summer climate - and I need to be prepared! I am super excited, but there is one bit of bad news - my sewing machine can't come with me. That means I have to make everything for my summer wardrobe before I go!
Five weeks into a new semester, my time is already mostly filled with the constant seminar work that comes with being a uni student, coursework, essays and, pretty soon, exams. Therefore, sewing time will be tight and if I want to get everything ready, I'll have to be really organised. I've put together a plan of some projects I really want to complete:
McCall's 6503 shirtdress in pale blue nautical cotton
Sewaholic Cambie in soft, lightweight floral cotton
Yoke Top from 'Learn to Sew with Lauren' in a silky cotton lawn
New Look 6483 top in green floral cotton lawn (the red view in the bottom left
Vintage Butterick 7278 with pink floral cotton
My current plan is to cut out the pieces for every project before sewing anything, so when I finish one I can move onto the next without my motivation being dampened by the need to cut (is it just me or is cutting out patterns the absolute worst bit of sewing?). I'm fairly sure that with lots of different projects ready to go, a lot of procrastination time will be saved and everything will be ready sooner. That might even give me time to squeeze in a few extra makes! I've always been a pretty speedy sewer so I'm hoping these projects will be ready in time for a long summer away from my machine.
Has your mind switched to summer sewing yet, or am I a bit early this year?
Beth x