Sunday, 20 April 2014

My Signature Style

Hi guys!

Today I thought I would write about the signature style that I've been developing over the last couple of years. Since starting sixth form, I've really found my sense of self and what I feel comfortable wearing, which has become even more pronounced since I began sewing my own clothes. I like to think of my style as individual and playful. My love of dungarees, Peter Pan collars and cardigans also know no bounds ;)

The colours I feel most drawn to when shopping for clothes or fabric are burgundy, navy, blue, black, white, purple, teal and red, so I use these as a guide when I'm designing a new outfit. I enjoy the diversity of my style, as I've been able to make a lot of different outfits that still reflect what I feel I am as a person, without making everything look the same. I also feel confident in my colour choices because I didn't have to sit down and think about what to feature in my palette - I chose what seemed natural according to my clothing preferences, and now that I have a clear guide in my head of what I'm looking for, I find it a lot easier to shop for things I like and know I will be able to get a good use out of.

When I first started shopping for fabric, it also became clear to me that as well as the large range of colours that are available, the amount of prints is even more vast! Scrolling through the pages of some of my favourite sewing websites, I could see boats, ducks, cars, zig zags...the choice was astonishing, and offered so much more possibility than the clothing rails in New Look! From the very off though, I knew what things I liked the most. Polka dots, stripes and floral designs were by far and away my favourite, so I knew that this would be what to look for whenever I found myself surrounded by a bewildering amount of fabric. I don't expect to stick exclusively with these three prints - I've already made a dress with blue leaves on! - but it certainly does help to have an idea of what you like to help choosing what fabric to use for each garment a whole lot simpler.

Finally, all that was left to decide was what I wanted to make! Dresses make up a large percentage of my wardrobe, so it seemed sensible to focus on these when choosing what to sew. I also adore 50's skirts, and have already made three of these using a pattern I designed myself. Now that I have grown into a more confident sewer, however, I know that I want to branch out and try making different things. As mentioned above, I have an addiction to Peter Pan collars, and I've now found the perfect pattern with which to practice with - Lisette 1419 - *drools*

I also put together a mood board to define my personal style:

I think these images really sum up the style I'm trying to capture in the way I dress, and love the fact that although they all seem so eclectic, I actually feel as though I've got a cohesive wardrobe that works well (in my opinion!)

Thanks for reading - please feel free to comment on what your personal style is, I'd love to hear from you!

Beth x

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