The end of my first Me-Made-May is finally here, and though at times during this month I've looked at my wardrobe and sighed in frustration, I'm so glad I persevered to the end.
Day 23: Refashioned Maxi Skirt
Bit of a repeat outfit here, but this skirt has really been a lifesaver this month.
Day 25: Ditsy Daisy Skirt
This was worn to go shopping in town (...err, what? No, no, I'm sure it wasn't me you saw in New Look.....;) ) I had a great day though and received a few compliments on my Hedgehog Bag!
Day 27: Sewaholic Cambie Dress
I wore this on a visit to my grandparents house, and received much praise!
Day 31: All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go (but school) Pencil Skirt
I always feel so posh when I wear this skirt! Alas, I don't have anywhere posh to wear it. Today will just be spent revising psychology (yuck) and doing some sewing (yay!)
So that's it! The end of Me-Made-May! How did you all do?
There were times during this month when I wanted to just make life easier for myself and dress in something shop bought. As a beginner sewer, some of my older makes have been classed as failures, leaving me with a bit of a limited choice. I'm constantly on the lookout for new sewing projects, but there are definitely some aspects of my handmade wardrobe that need urgent attention. The worst of these is blouses and tops - I don't have any!
On the 16th June, I empty my locker and leave sixth form for good - scary, but exciting at the same time! It also leaves me with a whole THREE MONTHS summer holiday! And yes, I'm sure I will use about two and a half of those months to sew, so I should have rectified the lack of separates problem by the time I start uni in September!
What problems did you encounter during Me-Made-May?
Beth x